Can you see me glow?

Today I had my bone scan. So to date I've had my blood work, my chest x-ray, my ultrasound (of my organs) and now....I was injected with Isotope in the "nuclear medicine" department in the basement of LGH....which is situated next to the depressing is that?!? My husband....was there with me the entire time.

At 12:30 I was injected with radioactive dye and sent off to go shopping, have a sandwich, have a beer...whatever I wanted. At 3:15 I returned to have my bone scan. Can I just didn't know they made scanners that huge! It lasted just a little over 30 minutes...the first scan being of my entire body...from head to toe....and I was not allowed to move for an entire 15 minutes (x 2). I have to be honest and tell you that I had to close my eyes so that I wouldn't go into panic mode....this massive, multi-million dollar contraption was set only about 4 inches away from my face and head....I truly felt like the thing was going to disengage and smother me. After about 3 minutes at my head it very slowly started its was down my body. The second x-ray was of my entire spine and did not involve claustrophobic closeness....but did move around me in 9 degree intervals until it was done.

I met my oncologist/family friend in the cafeteria and he did give me a "everything's going good" I'm glad.

Next step will be the sentinel node mapping on December 1st with the surgery to remove most of my breast on the 2nd. Chemo and radiation treatment plans will be made on December 14....I just might still have my hair for Christmas!


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