One deaf ear

It really pisses me off when I finally get a chance to sit down at the laptop and do some "catch-up", perhaps even listen to some tunes and I'm forever sticking earphones in my ears where only one freaking ear works!!! So my right ear is full of tunes and the left gets it it pisses me to no end and I just take the ear-phones out and don't completely enjoy this "time to myself". *blah blah blah*

It's been a crazy weekend......

Today is the first day of the rest of my dear daughter's life....with glasses...she's beautiful....and the smile she had when she put those specs on at the optometrists'.......priceless......she can see!

Aleks has a migraine.

The hubs is not 100 per cent.

Teddy is flipping those pancakes and ignoring his homework...he's supposed to graduate this year....I paid for his cap and gown...and booked a "graduation photo session"....

I'm still scared....but not as much as I was earlier.....perhaps more now of the actual procedure than what the outcome might be. Well truth be told I'm sure I'll be in panic mode very soon....I just want it done.....and I just want to know that it's all okay. I couldn't bear to give my husband more grief than what he's/we're having to deal with right now with his dad....

I'm at my breaking point with everything.....but I will get through this week....I know I will....and I do have yoga to look forward to it.


Fen said…
I was just reading the latest issue of my wife's Shape magazine. They were talking about how to cope with stress and how to be happier in spite of it. The trick, they said, is to celebrate little victories as well as the big ones.

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