Haven't been here for a little while...

....I don't even remember the last post that I wrote.....

I'm continuing to suffer with "GERD"...have been for 10 months now...what???.....I didn't mention this? I didn't want to burden you with more of my crap....but it's great fun!?!? I've been on meds for 4 months now and I live each day with intense burning in my esophegus (sp?) and nasal cavity....today I'm sure if I'd spit on concrete it would dissolve into nothingness.... yes....it's that bad....I'm surprised I still have teeth.

My fil is not doing so well....which is definitely adding to my acid issue....he's on the same floor as my mil was 10 years ago......I'm prepared...I think....I just don't want him to suffer......

It's sad that I don't have much positive to write about...even though there's so much positive in my life...really...there is.....my husband is the best....I don't know what I'd do without him...but then again....what the hell would he do without me?

And with that....let the bobcats, raccoons, bears, cougars and coyotes roam....I'm going to bed.


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