Not for the queasie or squeamish....

So a couple of days ago my leg finally got to the point that I thought it was going to explode....the infection I mean. In a kind of did....I decided to take my fingers and press down around the yeah....have you eaten? it digested?...quit reading now if you're not ready for this.

The "stuff" that came out was disgusting....absolutely 100%, gross!!...and it stunk! face is contorting as I write this....but I'm just writing the facts. And out and out it came. It finally "emptied" as much as I could without dying in pain and then I put a bandage on.

The next day......I tried again.....bloody, brown, stinky fluid.......gross! Have an oyster!

Today.....just thick blood....and pain.

I have a day left of antibiotics and while it's better....I don't think this round is going to cut it. I'm making an appointment for Friday's still way too sore.

You all okay? Come on....just breathe and swallow...maybe a walk outside will help too!


Fen said…
Um yeah, that was nasty but I bet it was way nastier to be there doing it. Icky! was...and it is....I have one pill left and an appointment for Friday morning at 11:30.

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