A bunch of stuff....because it's too early to think of anything really substantial

It's 7 a.m.....I'm up. 7 isn't all that early, except that I actually awoke at 4 a.m. and then awoke a second time at 5:30 a.m....at which point I got out of bed. I don't know how people do it...well I suppose they go to bed earlier than 11 p.m....but that's difficult when you have a "night owl" for a daughter AND you have to "stay up" until she's asleep!

Did you know that people drive like idiots even at 6 in the morning?

The hubs is gone. Hopefully the wind warning for the Queen Charlottes won't be a bother to the helicopter they're flying in. Helicopter?....no bloody chance in H.E. double hockey sticks you'd ever catch me in one of those. Good thing he started a patch yesterday to prevent motion sickness. One thing is for sure....they'd be cleaning up after me!

I love how quiet and still the world is at 4 a.m.....

A while back I switched from using "regular" sugar in my coffee to "Splenda". A couple of days ago I ran out of the Splenda and started using sugar again....yuck.

I picked Teddy up from work last night at 8....poor kid...he was blacker than the pupils in my eyes! Woke up to a good nose bleed and then off to work again....today's supposed to be a really warm one, so I hope he'll be okay. He's working today and tomorrow and is contemplating a couple of days next week. He's lost weight and gained height. It's amazing how respectful he's become with me since he started to work...that's not to say that he wasn't before...he was....I guess "respectful" isn't the word....he was more of a turd before (and I say that in a loving motherly way). I guess he's just too tired to act out.

Oh...I made the yummiest "won ton soup" yesterday...hello...it was amazing! I just wish that I hadn't burnt the sh*t out of my mouth...

As I was running around yesterday between doctor's appointments (my fil's), getting groceries, answering client calls and picking up last minute attire for the hubs....I was in Costco and found the coolest "family calendar". I already filled it in with a bunch of things so that the kids are aware of what's going on in our busy lives. It's one thing for me to have everyone's itineraries in my BlackBerry but I thought this would be a good way for them to be reminded of their appointments also. Of course Krystina has already penciled in happy and/or sad "faces" whenever "dad" would be home from work or "mom" would be away at work. Also picked up a book with over 250 "pickling" recipes....are you wetting your whistles yet? If there was a crisis and we were without access to food or water....there's plenty of wine and canned items underneath our stair case!

Well I'm done here for now...it's been a while since I've written so much...I need to rest my fingers a little.


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