I just realized there's no date on this thing...

...it's been a while, I know....been going through all kinds of stuff...and stress...what else is new?!?

So just to quickly bring you up to date...

My "fil" is still occupying my stress levels.
My dad is as well.
So are my kids.
Teddy managed to get his learner's permit for driving....stay the Hell off the roads!!!....for all that is good...you have been forwarned.
Aleks has turned into a vulgar texting maniac...I'm taking care of that.
Krystina....is still my baby...thankfully!
Spring has sprung during our unusually warm winter.
The Olympics are here.
I couldn't be prouder to be Canadian.
I also couldn't be sadder that these Olympics saw the demise of a young, budding athelete...
I will not see any of the Olympics sports...but my husband will....hockey, this Tuesday.
My stress levels are declining..momentarily.
I spent $500 in groceries this week.
The allergies have kicked in.
I got a beautiful bunch of roses.
I have an "L" hanging from my rear window...Krystina calls it the "loser" sign...it's actually "Learner".
The "beautiful garage" is full of car parts.
I'm disappointed in my son.
I have to remember my own self at that age....it makes "him" not so bad.

That's it for this moment...although I have so much more to say!


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