Definitely have been "hit"

This weekend has bar far been the most difficult for me.  Just feeling really really weak and sore...everything aches.  I want to sleep but I don't want to close my eyes....sleep has not come easily.  Hot and cold sweats a result of the chemo or early menopause hitting me....which is very likely....thanks bitch "mother nature". Daily nose bleeds....not knowing if the next "runny nose" was actually a "runny nose" or another nose me...I've done alot of laundry this weekend.

Today however was a gorgeous day, one might say the first real spring day....nothing was going to stop me....not the weakness....not the bone pain...nothing....  I took the husband and the dog and did a good 4 km felt good...not easy....but so good.....and then I bbq'd a bunch of t-bone steaks...mmmmm....heavenly.

The day started with breakfast at iHop with the girl, the walk, her soccer game and then a jaunt to see Justin Bieber's new movie with her and a friend....okay...I've been "Bieberized"....don't laugh....remember I'm totally into all kinds of music.  In fact....I'm currently listening to "Indie" rock and quite enjoying it....but the movie itself....wasn't horrible....even caught myself smiling a couple of times.

Well anyways...gotta go to work tomorrow and I'm trying to ward off another "hot spell"....not to mentioned...just caught "the girl" stealing another Cadbury Easter Egg....darn those things are good!


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