My little "Hurka"...pronouced "Hooorrrrka"...needs a little adjustment.

Took her for a spin...dropped her down to the lowest gear and then couldn't do anything else.  She just needs an adjustment...or a kick in the travels with me and we pick up my wind trainer....and then get right back in the saddle.

Today was a poopy day.....back is sore...probably from sweating on the weekend and catching a draft!  As well...I had to go by one of my "main" clients today...we were broken into last night.  Some idiot decided to take a fire extinguisher and break through our glass door.....took a nice 52" tv and CPU....freaking idiot.  In the heart of do you not see a freak with a cpu in his backpack and a tv on a broken wall mount under his arm pit......what the heck is this world coming to?!?!'t answer!?


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