Well here's a little something....

I found this on another blog that I read regularly... I know I said I had lots to write about...and I do....but haven't been feeling all that great last couple of days....blood levels don't seem right.....either that or I've just done too much....let's hope for the latter...k?!

If it helps
we're only renting
The car you drive
The house you bought
Those shoes
That ring
This muffin
It all passes through
like it was never yours
to begin with
(Especially the muffin)

I'm the caretaker
for now
of this hat
that fridge
these cells
and once my term is up
they will move on
to the next caretaker
in some shape
or another entirely

Be the container
that is clean and good
to hold these things
for the time they are yours:
these babies
those thoughts
this poem
And be prepared
to let go
at a moment's notice
(or not)
when the moment comes
And if you feel sad
or heavy
or small
let go
let go
let go
All the stuff in the world
is not half as wonderful
as the room left behind
once it's gone.


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