The Day's Wrap Up

It's amazing how fast cash goes....

$110.00 for groceries
$474.88 to extend our r.v. trip two days
$299.01 for the vet bill
$356.89 for the appliance (washer/dryer) repair bill
add....another $250.00 for the completion of the washer repair tomorrow.

And people ask me why I keep taking on new clients....sheesh!!??! it not a given?

Al and I managed to get ourselves checked today as's looking more like he suffers from migraine's and nasty nose tissue (which makes his nose bleed to high Heaven). I am heading off to a specialist/surgeon as it does appear that I have some kind of growth in my sinus, which is causing me grief and now....nasty headaches....let's just hope that I can enjoy the vacation because the way I've been feeling the last couple of days.....*blech*.

The dog also got her annual check-up and....finally...the vet is taking a step towards dealing with her weight issue...she's 3 1/2 and now on a special kibble meant especially for cleaning teeth and lowering weight....maybe it'll help her gas issue as can hope.


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