It had to happen.....


So I finally decided I was "ready" for my clip shoes....for my bike ride.  The day was was slow(ish) and I decided to take advantage of it.  The ride was beautiful...for the most part.  I guess I was at about 18 km when I clipped my right foot out, placed it on the curb, tapped the pedestrian cross button and then seemed to veer to the left...uncontrollably....I tried to get my left foot out of the clip but it wouldn't budge.  Within seconds I was on the pavement, with 13 lanes of traffic staring at me.  I quickly got myself back up and waved "I'm ok" though anyone gave a poop?!  Managed to ride the last 6 km home...only to find my leg had been bleeding the whole time.

So here I and blue on my left rear cheek, knee, hip and elbow....gash to my right leg (peddle)....not so sure about those clip shoes..... was a good ride...for the most part....


Fen said…
Ouch, that's a good one! I usually just tear chunks out of my calves with my pedals.

I've tried clip-ins before and could never get comfortable with them. I ended up going back to the power straps I've always used.

I even had a bike guy tell me once how much more dangerous my straps were compared to cleats. I laughed in his face and walked away. I went over my handlebars yesterday and walked away with barely a scratch because my feet pop out so easily and readily.

I have heard the clips can be adjusted to make getting in and out easier. But I just found myself distracted by them!

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