Wish me zzzzz's

Is it strange for me not to look forward to going to bed? Actually I do...cuz my mattress is sooooo comfy but....I haven't been sleeping. Last night was yet another night at I was up before 4...tossing and turning. Then it was the nightmares....people attacking me...trying to hurt me, kill me, rape me. Then I'd lay wide eyed, figuring out how I'm going to finish everything I need to finish before Christmas....

I'm tired but.....I'm not looking forward to sleep.


Fen said…
How strange, I had a dream earlier this week where, for the first time in many years, I died in the dream. It was rather unsettling and I've been letting my subconscious wrestle with it to see if there's some meaning or a warning I should heed (aside from not using glass elevators on the outside of buildings).
Anonymous said…
Erik....what's strange for me is that I would never "remember" my dreams...until the past couple of years. Sadly...I never have the "dancing through the daisy fields" kind of dream...lately they've just been evil and dark and...down right unsettling. It seriously makes you question whether it's really a good idea to actually go to sleep.....the living room is quite cozy at 3 a.m..

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