So I might not actually be sick but....

.....I'm having a helluva an attack of allergies....and right now....I just want to crawl in a corner and die.....there's is not enough Kleenex to sustain me at this point and I'm about ready rip off my nose.


Fen said…
I'd been having some harsh allergies again but started taking my Aller-Clear from CostCo and it is working beautifully. Its worth a shot to see if it'll help you!
Anonymous said…
Thanks Erik...I haven't heard of that one...I'll take a look in our Costco tomorrow. The only problem with me is that I have to be so careful about taking stuff that affects people with high blood pressure. Even nasal sprays have to be closely monitored...but I'm breaking down tonight and spraying away!
Anonymous said…
Thanks Erik...I haven't heard of that one...I'll take a look in our Costco tomorrow. The only problem with me is that I have to be so careful about taking stuff that affects people with high blood pressure. Even nasal sprays have to be closely monitored...but I'm breaking down tonight and spraying away!

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