Why can't I get any slack?

Just when I think things are "settling down" into some sort of a new routine that seems to allow me to catch up on all areas of my life....ie, cooking, cleaning, kids, work, husband, dads'....something new has to happen. Really this is life and I get that but.....could you just give me more than 4 days before chaos happens again!?!?

Obviously I'm stressing about Christmas and I'm overloaded with work and running "the construction business" and all the while trying to make sure the kids get to their rehearsals and their performances....and the dog still gets a walk (gotta love this weather....it makes retrieval of dog feces much, much easier....instant freeze!) and that I'm prepared for my two in a row Christmas dinner's, here at our house (which I wouldn't change for anything). BUT....do you have to throw in a call at 6:30 in the morning from my fil complaining of a sore tooth?

I called my fil back to see what was up...his tooth is sore. Okay....I'll make an appointment for Monday. He didn't think he could wait till then. Made an appointment for Saturday. Called him to let him know....he sounded desperate. Got him an appointment for this afternoon...my schedule for today was to be as follows:

Drop the kids off at school
Call a courier to pick up invoices from "G's" house
Go to the bank to deposit a client cheque
Head out to Vancouver to pick up timesheets and pay "the guys" for their labour
Come back and pick up Teddy from school (early dismissal)
Pick up Krystina from "one" of her boyfriends'
Pick up Al
Take Krystina to finally see the man in the red suit, have lunch with her and do some shopping....her and I
Come home and cook dinner
Do up an invoice for a client (5 page invoice)
Have a glass (maybe even a bottle) of wine

So throw in an emergency dentist appointment in there....complete with taking a look in an 87 year old's mouth...sans dentures....looking at his x-ray and his denture...which takes an hour and a half our of my day.....which makes "him" incredibly grateful and me.....well, if I can help make "his" day a better one.....that makes my day a little more complete too. As crazy as that sounds!!!

Krystina did still get to enjoy a visit with Santa....after standing in line for an hour though, I was about ready to throttle the 4, 15 year old giddy girls behind me (one more shove into my purse and I was going to take my purse and smack them!). Near the end Krystina started to take her fingers and try and form my face into a smile....hey...it was hot, my leg hurt and I was starving but....we did it and she was incredibly happy. Her photo was done in a milisecond....but after waiting another 5 minutes for her to finish up with Santa.....I realized that her "list was long".

We ended the shopping evening with an early Christmas present for Krystina....she's now sporting (or should I say "re-sporting") shiny earings in her ears. Her expression when the "gun" went through her ears was priceless!!


Fen said…
I should my wife your daily "do" list and maybe she'll realize that some folks (like you!) have much more on their plate and get it done.

You run at a crazy pace, lady!

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