Getting back into the groove.....
....or not.
It's nice having Tony home for a little while, actually his last day was Christmas Eve and he'll be home until January 5th. Of course having him (and the kids) home throws our routines off....way off. Like we let the kids stay up, which can be a pain at times depending on their (and my) moods. Usually by 10:30 I'm ready to throw them in their beds but they've gotten used to sleeping in in the morning that they're just starting up at that time.
Anyways, I realized that today is actually Monday and for those with "real jobs" it's a "working" day....and then I realized that I have a $10,000 GST payment I have to make for a client and that I have to send a courier to pick up receipts from another client (because there's no way that I'm driving into West Vancouver where the snow will be higher than it was here). I also promised my fil I'd come for a visit once I started to feel better soo.....I'm going to make my way over there with a bowl full of warm, boiled eggs. It will also be a day of decorating cupcakes (just because) and actually cooking again....we've been living off of leftovers since Christmas and quite frankly....I'm done with turkey, ham and cabbage rolls and could certainly use the change.
On a different note, the snow is quickly melting...and that's okay too. It was gorgeous while it lasted here but now that we have to get back into the working'll make it a lot easier to get around. Of course the latest is that another cold front is coming in and that'll just make the Lower Mainland a skating rink. People here just don't know how to handle a change in temperature....I mean I just got my son out of shorts last he'll be wearing jeans until Halloween at which time he'll decide to put his shorts back on.
Well enough rambling for today...the garbage truck woke me up and made us both jump out of bed a little earlier today....we forgot it was pickup day and had to scramble to make sure we got rid of all the holiday stuff. So now....the day has are yet more photos of our recent snow dump.

It's nice having Tony home for a little while, actually his last day was Christmas Eve and he'll be home until January 5th. Of course having him (and the kids) home throws our routines off....way off. Like we let the kids stay up, which can be a pain at times depending on their (and my) moods. Usually by 10:30 I'm ready to throw them in their beds but they've gotten used to sleeping in in the morning that they're just starting up at that time.
Anyways, I realized that today is actually Monday and for those with "real jobs" it's a "working" day....and then I realized that I have a $10,000 GST payment I have to make for a client and that I have to send a courier to pick up receipts from another client (because there's no way that I'm driving into West Vancouver where the snow will be higher than it was here). I also promised my fil I'd come for a visit once I started to feel better soo.....I'm going to make my way over there with a bowl full of warm, boiled eggs. It will also be a day of decorating cupcakes (just because) and actually cooking again....we've been living off of leftovers since Christmas and quite frankly....I'm done with turkey, ham and cabbage rolls and could certainly use the change.
On a different note, the snow is quickly melting...and that's okay too. It was gorgeous while it lasted here but now that we have to get back into the working'll make it a lot easier to get around. Of course the latest is that another cold front is coming in and that'll just make the Lower Mainland a skating rink. People here just don't know how to handle a change in temperature....I mean I just got my son out of shorts last he'll be wearing jeans until Halloween at which time he'll decide to put his shorts back on.
Well enough rambling for today...the garbage truck woke me up and made us both jump out of bed a little earlier today....we forgot it was pickup day and had to scramble to make sure we got rid of all the holiday stuff. So now....the day has are yet more photos of our recent snow dump.
