It's snowing.....again.

Woke up to more of the white, powdery stuff....lots and lots more. If I can get through today and tomorrow and the elaborate dinners I have planned....I might just have a small spare moment to go out and take some more photos. Until'll have to trust me on this one....we have a good two feet of snow!! This'll be the whitest Christmas since 1965 apparently....well, we had some in 1998 but it was just the bare leftovers.
My sister and her family are supposed to come for dinner tonight...she say's nothing's going to stop them....I'm have my own ideas. I do hope that they can make it but if not....we'll enjoy a nice dinner, a nice fire log and some yummy beverages together (the kids get milk) before Santa makes his appearance.
Merry Christmas to you all, peace in your hearts, good health and love all around.....enjoy and be thankful for those around you and all that is good.