I didn't think people could be this stupid.

So I called "G" today....he was in a meeting with his accountant...who I've known for 20 years....it's where I got most of my business. Anyways....he asked if it was "urgent"...I said, "no...call me when you're done". At the same time he's telling me that "we've got him nailed". I thought to myself...*there was never any question in that regard...on my part*.

Anyways....turns out that "J" has now given the $80,000 bank draft and the client files to "his lawyer"...who right from the get go, seems like an incredibly stupid loser. The RCMP and the West Vancouver police are now involved and even they're saying...."the draft should not be in the hands of "J's" lawyer...it belongs with your and your company". Apparently the draft and the files will be handed over to our accountant tomorrow at 11:30...we'll see.

But the biggest stupidity is....."J's" lawyer said that "J" should handle the business affairs while "G" is away in Australia over the next 3 weeks. Our accountant and lawyer laughed and laughed and laughed...."B" (accountant) said....um "L" has been doing the books for 10 years..."she" can "run" the business...."J's" down the toilet.

Like seriously....can you find the stupidity in that?


Fen said…
He might as well have just asked for a blank check. I'm amazed at how incredibly dense and greed-driven people are.

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