Absolutely sickening!
There was a horrific accident last week on our local freeway. Apparently a family in a van (I hear there were 8 in the van, so I'm not sure what's with that, but still.....) started to have car problems and pulled over in the "H.O.V." lane. They were subsequently rear-ended by a loser in a BMW....I say "loser" because he was a "lone occupant" in an "HOV" lane, who ended up being rear-ended by another "sole occupant" loser in the HOV lane. First of all..."H.O.V." stands for "high occupancy vehicles"....not "I'm mightier than you" sole drivers in fancy, shmancy cars, so I can drive where I want...lane.
As I hear it....there were three children in the car, aged 6, 8 and 9. We're they buckled? I'm not sure.....but still....I couldn't even imagine going through what the parents must be.
As of yesterday morning....the 6 and 9 year old passed away...the 8 year old continues to cling to life.
The most disgusting part of this story...as I hear this morning...is that passersby actually had the gall to yell profanity at the police officers/ambulance attendants to...."get this mess out of the way". Seriously...people were yelling as to why they were "taking their time" with the clean-up. And even more disgusting....apparently somebody actually stopped their car (and traffic) to take photos with their cell phone.
The world is seriously going down the toilet.
As I hear it....there were three children in the car, aged 6, 8 and 9. We're they buckled? I'm not sure.....but still....I couldn't even imagine going through what the parents must be.
As of yesterday morning....the 6 and 9 year old passed away...the 8 year old continues to cling to life.
The most disgusting part of this story...as I hear this morning...is that passersby actually had the gall to yell profanity at the police officers/ambulance attendants to...."get this mess out of the way". Seriously...people were yelling as to why they were "taking their time" with the clean-up. And even more disgusting....apparently somebody actually stopped their car (and traffic) to take photos with their cell phone.
The world is seriously going down the toilet.
Pretty sad.
As an aside, there's a movement afoot here to allow people to buy passes for the HOV lane so they can use it when they are alone in the car. Seems pretty ridiculous to me.