A "slow down"

I really have "slowed down" and I'm quite liking it. I haven't woken up in a panic for over a month now. I'm not sweating as I'm rushing out the door anymore. I'm enjoying my morning tea and sometimes even an afternoon one too! And I sleep in on the weekends...when I can...like today....10:00 a.m.....and I finally crawled out. And here it is 10:40 and I'm tap, tap, tapping away at the keys....still in my comfy cozy, fleece pj's...sipping away.

Today I will spend an hour on finishing up a work project, then I'm going to prepare lunches for tomorrow and then we get to spend 3 hours at Krystina's Christmas dance performance....which I'm looking forward to because....hello....she's performing in three dances!

And with that being said....maybe I should make some breaky?


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