Getting used to the new "do"

I'm just about done my Christmas shopping...what the heck happened to "sticking to a budget"? And then tonight I gave the kids $40 to go to a movie with their friends and my buddy...they came back with dog chew toys and some spare movie! Oh well...they had fun....

...until the girl came home and saw my new "do". I had my hair cut...short....really short....and while I'm getting quite used to it and almost liking it....the girl refuses to look at me...even 2 hours later...which is starting to peeve me just a little. I mean seriously....I'm the one who's going to lose it all....and she won't even look at me. The boys on the other hand, say they quite like the new look.

I went to pay for my first round of white blood cell booster and anti-nausea credit card was declined....not because there wasn't enough to cover it...the balance was at zero, as I had just activated this morning. was "suspicious"...which I appreciate but....I told "Visa" that I would have charges (very expensive charges) coming through for the next 4 months from two separate pharmacies....and now I had to deal with StupidStore for over 45 minutes and a line up of people witnessing that my card was declined and the cashier make the comment to her assistant "her card was declined because of the funds" funds are there you's the credit card company that has it messed up. So I ended up being able to make a $1,400.00 deposit (as that was all my "debit card" would allow for the day) and I'm having to come back tomorrow to finish up the that I spoke to the credit card co. Geesh....I just hope they put those meds back in the fridge!

Well I've had a crappy nights' sleep...for a while now....I'm suspecting tonight won't be much different....and I'm expecting not so good ones coming up.....


Deanna said…
I saw you in the flex driving to the new do ...glad that you are happy with it!

You might need to have a turkey sandwich with a warm milk chaser every night before bed.... toast and peanut butter even .., and add some cinnamon and a pinch of sugar to the milk. Look at me talking like some bigshot cooker kitcheny type person!
Deanna...those are great ideas for my "bedtime meals"...apparently I'll need to start having those. Between you and your sisters offer to stick a needle where the sun don't shine...I'm in great form!
Fen said…
Hopefully Krystina will come around sooner rather than later. But I can understand where she's coming from, you are supposed to be her rock that nothing can ever happen to. Its making her question alot about her reality (even if she's not actively doing so) to see that you can get sick.

We all have a clock counting down our minutes left, it isn't who's got the most, its who does the most with what they've got.

Are we going to see any pictures of this fabulous new wig, or what?
Erik....they are a coming! ;o)

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