Christmas update

So here I's Christmas Day 2010, I have countless toxic chemicals running through my veins, pills upon pills in my tummy and a strict schedule on when to eat and when to pop a pill. I spent 6 hours in the chemotherapy department of LGH yesterday hooked up to an iv, talking to and learning about other people and their situations...having to run to the bathroom every 30 minutes or so. At the end I was "unhooked" and sent downstairs for an echocardiogram just to make sure that my ticker was in good form. By 5 p.m.....I was literally exhausted. Of course when I laid myself down to go to sleep....I couldn' least not for another couple of hours.
Today I woke up with ever so slight bit of nausea, a low-grade fever and nice warm and rosy cheeks (I'll take advantage of those for the time being). It's now almost half past two and other than feeling very tired again...I'm feeling pretty good.
One down and four to go...not doing to bad at this point. My sister's mil is coming by at 4 today to give me my white blood cell booster shot...hopefully that goes just as swimmingly.
Turkey's in the oven, although I was very disappointed when I took her out of the packaging to find that she was missing a wing...I should've noticed! I'll make a pork loin dish, mashed potatoes, asparagus and gravy...simply...but yummy...oh and of course not to forget the cranberry sauce!
Well I do hope that you all are having a Merry Christmas and fabulous time with family and loved ones. Take in every moment and don't sweat any of the small's not worth it.
