How do they expect one to sleep the night before chemo?

So here's a shot of me after my surgery....notice....I still have my boobs....victory number one! Victory number two....I still have my hair...although it's pulled's there....just where I like it.

And here I am with my beloved pooch....who would kill for any member of this family...although it's tough to see that in this picture....especially with that pot belly....she really was a little piglet in her past life.

And I am with my hair hacked off....don't worry..."wig photos" are to come...and I'm excited...sort of.
We had a really nice dinner at my sil's...short but sweet....what do you do the night before you're supposed to get a good dose of major chemicals?...get nervous. I just wanted to be home and got my stuff together for the 5 hours we'll spend at the hospital tomorrow. Of course now that it's really time to hit the sack...I'm wide awake...adrenalin...or something like that. I'm even "trying" to have a glass of wine to "take the edge off" and it's not helping. I'm not nervous...but maybe I am....I'm just not looking forward to it....who would be?
I'm done my "nesting"...everything is set in place....everything is packed, wrapped, labeled. Turkey is are the next 3 meat dishes.....I just really want this to be over....
But I'm okay with it...I'll take it and get over it and move on...cuz that's just how I am. Oh and trust me...I'm bringing my little bell to beckon the hubs..."oh's tea time....put a shot of brandy in that will ya?" ;o)
Thinking of you ...