
No seriously...I'm going to talk about garbage.

Our city just implemented a new garbage/recycling system/ that is testing this family of its "sorting" abilities.

We have three bins on the side of our house....a black and grey one for "garbage", a black and green one for "green waste" and a black and blue one for "recyclables". Up until this month, we would dump only our yard clippings into the "green waste", our cardboard, paper and plastic in the "recyclable" bin and everything else in the "garbage" bin. "Garbage" would be picked up every week.

Now.....the "recyclable" bin stays pretty much the same, taking on the paper, plastic etc....the "green waste" takes all the yard clippings AND food scraps, including pizza boxes (anything that has food crumbs in it) and the "garbage" anything left over, including glass. The garbage bin now gets picked up on a bi-weekly basis and the green waste gets picked up on a weekly basis. We now have three bins under the sink and I'm trying to teach the "other five" how to can imagine?! We've also had to change "the strap" (to keep the bears out) from the "garbage" bin to the "green waste" bin...because really...there won't be anything of much interest in the "garbage" bin.

My question though.....where do you put dirty paper towels? They're paper, so they're recyclable but they could have food remnants on them so they could be considered a "food waste" or are they just plain ole garbage?


Nonnie said…
That requires a little too much thought for me to even formulate a worthy comment!
Deanna said…
They can go in green waste.

In fact.. maybe I will put the husbandman in green waste... he drives me nuts with his laxness... and so does the boy.. I am glad the girl is diligent.

I told CONRAD he was on stand-by for when the van gets stolen BTW.. from parking it in random locations around our WARM city!
Deanna....seriously...who the heck is "CONRAD"????

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