Making adjustments for the Olympics

So apparently the Olympics are going to be held in my fair city here...shortly....this is what they tell me. Because this seems to be the case....I'm preparing for the fact that parking, transit and trying to get into the city centre is going to be somewhat of a sort of Hell. So I'm taking steps in advance to ensure that I'm able to continue with my life "as regularly scheduled"....and have the opportunity to laugh at those that will be "dazed and confused"! You see....I need to get into the downtown core on a regular (weekly) basis...I have decided I will not be taking my fair "beast" into the chaos....apparently there won't be anywhere to stop, nor will there be any parking and for that matter....why bring too much of "the family" into the "war zone"....cuz you know....apparently "we're totally unprepared"!

Anyways....I'm totally excited that Vancouver is hosting the 2010 Winter Olympics! Personally though....the weather's been so warm (global warming....whatever) that I'm thinking there won't be any snow for the skier's to ski on....oh but wait....they can "make" snow....thank goodness for modern technology. Forget getting snow on the mountains the "old fashion way"....nooooo....just plunk some machine in the middle and have it blow it all around! It sure would make for a nice white summer, when it's sweltering down here! does "swelter" here in the "great north"!

So the question is....are we going to attend any of the festivities? Nope! Couldn't afford it! What they're charging for these attractions is astronomical....I'll be just as happy sitting on my couch, sipping on my "green tea" and watching the hi-lights on my t.v. Besides....that way I can be with the know.....I have one that doesn't want me to leave the house, one that could care less and one that's over worried everytime I do step out....better just to stay home.

On a final note.....I took the SkyTrain into the city today (all in the preparation work) and you know what I realized?!?!?.....while we have some beautiful parts to this city....I would highly advise visitors to stay off the SkyTrain between MetroTown and Science's just plain "Harlem".


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