A little grumpy....perhaps?

So much to do....but this is expected four months out of the year....each quarter has many of my clients needing "audits" and "GST returns" filed....and this, being January...is no exception.
In other random thoughts......
That is my pooch above...she's snarling because Teddy's once again is tormenting her...you can't see it but....her food bowl is full and Teddy's told her to "leave it" and is egging her on by rubbing her back.....I'm happy to say that his Polish shnauz did not receive any damage during this photo shoot!
I met with the old guy today....it was a little sad. He was very apologetic towards me and his outburst the other day (yelling, swearing and hang up)...he's clearly "losing it". He cried....his 89 year old brother (there's only two left, from 5) is dying and has only 2 or so months left to live....came to the home to say "good bye".....very sad, indeed. I have a hard time dealing with such sadness.
Krystina has a dentist appointment this Thursday...she's very hopeful that her "retainer" will be removed!
Sometimes I sit here and think about my mother. Oh how she detested being called a "mother"....she always said that was for the sick and stuffy, or even more so...for the British (she couldn't stand the British???)....that she was a "mom" (loving and caring)...hmph...in her eyes, I suppose. Not even sure I can call her "my mother".....don't get all judgemental....you might not know the whole story. I think of her more as a "lonely, sick old woman"....and even so.....she lives alone, with no friends.....Christmas has come and gone....what went through her crazed mind? Did she think of me? Yeah...probably with venom in her mouth. But seriously....it would've been easier to have gone through these last couple of years knowing that my mother had died.....truth be told, she's just an ill woman, all alone, living her days during the night. We all gave her a "second chance"...a thousand times over. Even my sister continued longer than I though she needed to......
I've done my grieving......my mother is gone....not sure I even ever had one....whatever....I'll be damn sure I'll not repeat history with my kids.....I make sure I kiss them all, three times a day and that I tell them I love them and even give them a loving touch....but I won't repeat the abuse.
Shit....we got kinda somber there...didn't we?
Okay....so I'm thinking of doing "yoga"! Tony's worried cuz he think it's going to mess with my brain and give me some "mantra" or something....I think it'll be a good thing to be committed to getting to the gym and doing a workout, because clearly I need help! The workouts I was supposed to started earlier this week......well, my gym bag made it to the van (water bottle and all).....and that's where we stand.
And now.....I need to take a blood transfusion.
Doggy looks a bit uptight, wouldnt like to test those pearly whites out!
Sorry to read about your Mom/mother issues. My mum went through the same sort of thing with her own mum. When we were kids they fell out and never spoke again. Almost 30 years later, grandma died and my mum grieved only for what could have been, but said that actually after their last fight she grieved then as though she was dead to her. IT IS A SAD THING, BUT YOU HAVE TO DO WHATS BEST FOR YOUR SELF.
Look out Teddy....
As sad as it sounds....it's always good to know that I'm not the only one.....