At my age.....
....I'm beginning to see many of my friends/friends of friends stricken with disease and death. No, I'm not "ancient"...but it can be a little depressing to see people having heart attacks, strokes and deadly cancers.... their 40's. Actually it's downright freakin' me out!!! My father was 57 when he was diagnosed with Lymphoma. He was 60 when he had a massive stroke (his own doing, I might add). My father-in-law is 87.....I can only dream. I worry (even though..."worry does not change a thing, so don't waste your time on needlessness")....for my husband....for my kids. The hubs doesn't care for having a finger inserted into "no mans land"...*ahem*...thank you very much, but...remember I had 4 children!!!....three that warranted the "most humiliating moment" episode!...not to mention annual check-ups where.....well....I won't go into detail...if you're female, you know what I'm talking about. Anyways...I've been hounding the hubs to go for his physical...he avoids the issue. It's just not a joking matter any longer......
....seriously....mothers, fathers....with small children.
The longer I'm alive (and that's a good thing)...the more I have an appreciation for all that I have...and I hold it all so very close...because this thing called "life" least "life here on earth"'s a fleeting moment....enjoy each and every moment.....even if constipation is a daily issue.
And speaking of "trying to keep oneself healthy"!
I'm making drastic changes to my daily menu.....not because I want/need to lose weight....although 5 lbs would be's because I really do want to live to 89! I've been doing some research and reading up on nutrition and's not a whole lot I didn't already know's just a good "slap across the head" to remind me....and while it's a slow process (especially since I'm so piled up with work that it's all about "diet"/"nutrition" at this point)...I've been learning alot.
For instance...ground Flaxseed....makes you crap...lots.....and that's a really, really good thing....along with all the other great things that come along with eating it!!!
....seriously....mothers, fathers....with small children.
The longer I'm alive (and that's a good thing)...the more I have an appreciation for all that I have...and I hold it all so very close...because this thing called "life" least "life here on earth"'s a fleeting moment....enjoy each and every moment.....even if constipation is a daily issue.
And speaking of "trying to keep oneself healthy"!
I'm making drastic changes to my daily menu.....not because I want/need to lose weight....although 5 lbs would be's because I really do want to live to 89! I've been doing some research and reading up on nutrition and's not a whole lot I didn't already know's just a good "slap across the head" to remind me....and while it's a slow process (especially since I'm so piled up with work that it's all about "diet"/"nutrition" at this point)...I've been learning alot.
For instance...ground Flaxseed....makes you crap...lots.....and that's a really, really good thing....along with all the other great things that come along with eating it!!!