Computer searching

When I started this whole "home business" thingy, I mean the bookkeeping....I worked off a shared computer with the hubs and the eldest. Then the accountant that I deal with...he strongly suggested that I get a laptop to be able to enter transactions at the clients' premises.

Since then....

My business has the tune of 18 clients (some small, small not so small)....working off a laptop just doesn't seem feasible any longer. So now...I'm on the hunt for a decent "CPU". I have a screen and a keyboard....they're decent...I don't need to replace them...I just need a decent CPU. I found one...for $600.00...a $100.00 more than I wanted to spend.

I'll keep looking.


Deanna said…
Marched out and bought the husband some fancy HP laptop. the boys at BestBut were kind of ... "do you want to think about it...?"


It's his birthday on Monday, and it's likely that his dog will die this's his job to take her.

I'm all cried out .... almost.
Oh D...I feel for you!...really I do.

Happy Birthday to "the king"!

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