Lost carrots
Yesterday was definitely a whirl wind of a day. From having my Sunday planned out to watch Krystina's soccer game, picking up some groceries, digging up the garden and making grape jelly from the grapes a friend had given me over a glass of wine to ....watching Krystina's game, racing to get enough groceries to sustain the family for a couple of days, racing through the "weed pulling", to no jelly making to making enough sandwiches for 4 for the next 3 days to.....delaying the trip to Spokane until Friday. *sigh*
As Tony investigated the whole process of importing a vehicle from the U.S. to Canada, he discovered that the border required 72 hours notice. So rather than heading down today....we're going down on Friday, spending the night (just the two of us!) and driving her home on Saturday. I need to (other than go to my clients), head over to the insurance company and find out about temporary insurance and of course...get the payment prepared, in the form of a certified cheque. Unfortunately, the dollar dropped by an entire penny today...not good for the conversion.
Now with regards to the carrots. I swear I'm losing my mind again. I know I bought two bunches of carrots, they had huuuuge green stalks on them (those I can see in the garbage....CORRECTION..."green waste") but for the life of me....I don't know what the hell I did with them. I've asked everyone. I checked the freezers. I checked the cupboards. I checked the closets. A bag of about 14 carrots is missing and I'm left scratching my head. I hope the kids aren't playing a cruel joke on me...they saw me go through the entire house....hopefully not snickering.
And with that...and another peek....it's a gorgeous day, with lots to do.

As Tony investigated the whole process of importing a vehicle from the U.S. to Canada, he discovered that the border required 72 hours notice. So rather than heading down today....we're going down on Friday, spending the night (just the two of us!) and driving her home on Saturday. I need to (other than go to my clients), head over to the insurance company and find out about temporary insurance and of course...get the payment prepared, in the form of a certified cheque. Unfortunately, the dollar dropped by an entire penny today...not good for the conversion.
Now with regards to the carrots. I swear I'm losing my mind again. I know I bought two bunches of carrots, they had huuuuge green stalks on them (those I can see in the garbage....CORRECTION..."green waste") but for the life of me....I don't know what the hell I did with them. I've asked everyone. I checked the freezers. I checked the cupboards. I checked the closets. A bag of about 14 carrots is missing and I'm left scratching my head. I hope the kids aren't playing a cruel joke on me...they saw me go through the entire house....hopefully not snickering.
And with that...and another peek....it's a gorgeous day, with lots to do.
BUT .. I think I saw a spelling mistake... when I read... "the greens were in the garbage.... were the greens really in the garbage... or did you mean your compost pile, or your greenwaste garbage container....?
I AM FREAKING OUT about this!
ha aha ha hhahaha
You see.. in my home the chicklets are frightened to put GREEN WASTE items in the garbage and have me see it... as I do FREAK OUT... that includes recycling too... the poor family. You are probably much nicer than me.
I heard that the dollar dropped a penny this morning.. HOLY EXPLODING LOONIES batman....!
Well... must go....