The last few days of summer.... the hubs is home for the next week. School starts on Tuesday and I've got a tonne of stuff to do before.
Today we promised we'd take the kids to the P.N.E.....we lucked out and got tickets (parking/gate and ride) for us all, otherwise you're looking at a $200+ day. We'll still end up blowing $50 or more on food and games (because all Krystina loves to do is play the game of "throwing darts at balloons"....we should be coming home with 50 stuffed animals!). The weather's been gorgeous up until...yesterday, so hopefully we'll luck out and at least not get rained on.
I think tomorrow we're going to go for our second try at a "learner's license" for Teddy.
Friday will have me checking out the local farms for pickling cukes, garlic and dill weed...which will flow into Saturday where I'll be pickling.
Sunday I should probably get the kids school supplies together. This is the latest I've ever left the supply shopping.
Monday will of a trip into Vancouver.
Hopefully before the end of today, I'll also have a new (to me) p.c. here. I've been asking for a back-up of a clients' (who I've just taken over) data. We've had some difficulty getting it and now my understanding is that "she" will just be dropping off the computer that she was using (which is actually the company's)'ll make my life with that client a hell of a lot easier.
Tuesday is the start of school.
Back to our regularly programmed insanity.
Today we promised we'd take the kids to the P.N.E.....we lucked out and got tickets (parking/gate and ride) for us all, otherwise you're looking at a $200+ day. We'll still end up blowing $50 or more on food and games (because all Krystina loves to do is play the game of "throwing darts at balloons"....we should be coming home with 50 stuffed animals!). The weather's been gorgeous up until...yesterday, so hopefully we'll luck out and at least not get rained on.
I think tomorrow we're going to go for our second try at a "learner's license" for Teddy.
Friday will have me checking out the local farms for pickling cukes, garlic and dill weed...which will flow into Saturday where I'll be pickling.
Sunday I should probably get the kids school supplies together. This is the latest I've ever left the supply shopping.
Monday will of a trip into Vancouver.
Hopefully before the end of today, I'll also have a new (to me) p.c. here. I've been asking for a back-up of a clients' (who I've just taken over) data. We've had some difficulty getting it and now my understanding is that "she" will just be dropping off the computer that she was using (which is actually the company's)'ll make my life with that client a hell of a lot easier.
Tuesday is the start of school.
Back to our regularly programmed insanity.

I am here via Deannas blog.
We went to the PNE on the 2nd too. I can get cheap tickets through work. The highlight for us was the Johnny Reid concert that was on that night. Free with gate pass!
Sorry...I've been away from this thing. We lucked out as far as the PNE goes...we have a family friend who works for Global TV....1 parking pass, 5 gate passes and 2 ride passes...hello!! It's good to know people!! We didn't stay for the concert...the eldest was giving us grief. But it was a fun day, spent together regardless!! Not to mention the "Curry in a Hurry" was...yummy!!