Gosh it's been awhile.....
It's cold...even with the hot flashes it's still cold here....typical Vancouver winter. This photo makes me happy.
I had my last treatment this past Monday...I hope for good! I'm already signed up for my first mammo since the last 17 shots of my boob, last year....December 22....I really hope I won't get any surprises this year since it's only a couple of days before Christmas!!...and I started chemo last year on Christmas Eve. I can't believe a year has gone by....all the shit I've gone through, baldness, return of the hair, total destruction of my nails, and so much more acid in my stomach that I'm sure I could burn asphalt! I'm glad that chapter is pretty much closed....now we're looking at doctor's visits (and blood work) every three months for the first year, mammo's, then doctor's visits every six months and then once a year until I hit the 5 year mark...when I can finally say I really...."kicked this shit to the curb!!"...right now...I'm 4 days cancer free.
Moving on....cuz that's a good thing to do when you go through this crap....
I've been doing yoga and pilates (sp?) like crazy....amazing if you don't get too hung up on the huru guru side of it....good for the ass too!
A couple of weeks ago the ink ran out in the kids printer...which is in the laundry room...it's wireless. The little containers weren't moving on their own so I told the hubs to unplug the machine. He asked Krystina to unplug it....she unplugged the printer and something else.... Fast forward two weeks....*something stinks in the laundry room*....it gets worse as each goes by. Teddy comes home one day and says he knows where the stink is coming from....."where?" I ask. "The freezer looks like it's leaking something". WTF?!?!...seriously....so I open it....chemo and radiation did not get me but the "smell of death" that came out of that "unplugged" freezer...just about did!...we're talking two weeks. The freezer is now outside, plugged in (to freeze the rot up) and Tony's taking it to the dump tomorrow.
My little girl is very sick and we just about headed to emerg last night/this morning (4 am)...she had such a bad croupy cough.....she couldn't breathe very well. To boot she has her Christmas dance recital tomorrow...she's desperate to go but....I don't know.....we'll see tomorrow. I love that kid.
I have lots of hair now!!
And a pot smoking kid....we'll leave that alone for now....
It's late and I need to hit the sack.....
I'm still here.....
Did you mention Christmas....a couple of weeks away??? I suddenly feel the way I did when I opened the freezer.... :o)