Spending time with my kids....
....well, at least two of them.
Teddy finished up his last day of work...he's beat...he's burnt....he's worn....he's still coming with us to the Seattle Zoo tomorrow.
I took the two younger ones to the Cultus Lake Water Slides. Despite the initial..."I'm going to be bored. It won't be any fun without a friend." and "I'm not going! It's too far! I'm staying home!" Gee...guess which comment belongs to who?! At the end of the day, it was...."Thanks mom, that was a lot of fun!" and "I don't wanna gooooo home yet!" So there you go....it was a memorable experience to be had by all.
Well, that's if you take out the fact that they (the staff) had to scoop out a human "poop" from the pool that Aleks was swimming in. I was frantically gesturing him to get out and kept saying "get out! get out!" I saw it (the log) with my very own eyes folks! Disgusting!! And let's not forget the fact that I stepped on a bee! Thankfully, quick thinking had me squeezing the venom out a.s.a.p.!!! Unfortunately we still got a little bit of swelling and a lot of "ow" that's still with me 10 hours later.
Tomorrow we're off to the Seattle zoo...all three in tow...wish us luck.
Did I mention I'm missing the hubs? Just kinda hit me.

Bummer about the bee (which would have sent me to the emergency room!) but it looks like a pretty awesome fun place! I got to hang out at my wife's shop and not sell too much at a yard sale again today.