
This is apparently, my child. Teddy...as he came home, last Friday. He lucked out with the awful downpour we had Monday and got to come back home...yes...he called me...twice...but I didn't hear. We keep the bedroom phone unplugged to avoid unnecessary heart attacks in the middle of the night....but I did have my cell phone with me...in bed....because I just had "a feeling"....course he didn't call me on that number. Sooo...he took the bus home...in the pouring rain. I don't raise them stupid! You wanna know what he said to me today...."mom, I can't wait to go back to work tomorrow"....he has issues...yes, he does.
I have jam...lots of jam...lots of yummy jam...blueberry/raspberry...yum!
I spent the morning today taking photos of flowers...lots and lots of flowers...and you all know how much I love flowers! Although today was a little different...they were being taken for a friend whose dad just passed away...I think I "done good".
Anyways....I know I've been sparse...as always so much to say, but when I sit down to say it....I'm wiped.