It's always a nice day to get arrested.

Deanna is going to love this one....

Yesterday I went to court...the Supreme Court of B.C. to be exact. Not for, of course not...for the never ending saga of the child molesting, pedophile, woman preying, sexual creep that we once used to call....our child's TKD master.

I decided to come and show my support to one of the victims and really to "show my own face" and let the scum bag know that I knew more than he thought I knew. As it turned out.....had had managed to slink out of his previous court appearance (his sentencing) by "allegedly" schmucking his car and being taken by ambulance to RCH...whatever. The real story was that he had driven his own car into a tree and had called the ambulance avoid going to court.

So I showed up yesterday in New Westminster....wanting to hurl. You can't imagine how bad my heart was pounding at the mere thought of coming face to face with this low-life again. "T" said to me...."now you know how I feel"....I really did. We went into the court room at 2 and waited....and waited...40 minutes later "his" lawyer shows up claiming that he headed to the Vancouver court rather than the New West one...whatever. Still no little shit. Calls are made. Calls are made. Calls are made. 50 minutes later the judge comes in and says...."I want a warrant for this man's arrest and I want him brought to my court asap". There was no bs'ing this guy...he was awesome! The idiots' lawyer fumbled over his words and had no explanation as to why his client wasn't there. The judge didn't give a hoot.

Court over....I was driving home when I spotted "his" old van driving on the freeway. What do I do? I sped up, caught up and followed. The license was different but I had a feeling. He turned where he was supposed to turn, he turned again where he was supposed to turn....I was sure it was him.

Well I spot his three "instructors" (who were the only ones to show up at court) together in the back alley of the TKD school....I followed the van around the parking lot. I was wondering what I'd actually say to him...."you scum...aren't supposed to be in jail" turns out it was his son.....who the courts were also trying desperately trying to get a hold of...with no avail. So what does a "shit disturber" do???...I call one of the victim's, who in turn...calls her lawyer and let her know that the son is "alive and well"...within minutes the cops are outside the TKD school, as well as outside the "residence".

Well the update is that....everything's been transferred over to the son...the vehicles, the school...everything. The coward is nowhere to be found....probably skipped off to Korea or in a hole somewhere eating rice and water. Sorry but...I have "personal" issues with this guy and I know...he deserves more than he's going to get.

Sadly...he'll get a slap on the wrist...despite the fact that he's a scared little rat shit. Yeah...I'm using that kind of language because....I feel that strongly.

*shudder*...and to think that he held my baby doll in his arms.


Deanna said…
How am I going to write my idiotic book of Deanna's Life if you REFUSE to include me....


What a supersleuth you are....

I think I can still hear the echoing of your thumping heart even now.....

Good for you L... for supporting T, for facing that little creep, and for standing up for justice.

We have a terrible system here, which makes it easy for people to disappear & not face their consequences.
Fen said…
If it makes you feel any better, life on the run sucks. If he's hiding to avoid court and jail then he's constantly looking over his shoulder, he's not sleeping well and he's aging at triple speed.

But, if there's any karmic justice, he'll run for a couple of months and then get picked up for something stupid and then the charges against him will be much more serious and he'll spend a bunch of years in the pokey getting poked by a bigger, meaner bastard than he is.
Deanna said…
Oh ERIK...

L's going to love that sentiment...

Well said.

Much agreed upon!

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