
A quick update here....it's already past 9 and I have to get mine and my girls' rears out the door. I'm taking her to the Aquarium today, but before I do that...I have to collect and sort out all the laundry....Grandpa takes care of the rest! Yay! But yeah....as you can see by the photo above...the hubs knows how to make me choke up! Along with the gorgeous roses...I was very, very spoiled with the newest (and final....for now) addition to my camera lens collection. He ended up selling some of his war memorabilia (always his intention) and ended up making more than he thought....so I reaped the benefits. It's all good in this relationship...we take care of each other.
Anyways...it's not snowing, but it is miserable out there....and I promised the girl, sooo.....we better get a move on...I'd like to leave the house in 45 minutes and I'm still in my pj's and she's still in bed!!!