
Showing posts from 2013

I'm really beginning to think that God might want me to do something with this.....

I have no right...



Did I mention?

I need to get back to this space.....

The Cancer Book

i have faith but...

Nothing goes as planned....


Never a dull moment in my life!

It took me 3 days to be able to sit down properly.....

Everyday life....

There's just no justice.....

I don't think I can take another punch to the gutt

Couldn't do it without you....

Every once in a while......

I thought as the kids got would slow down a little more.....

Letting go...

New Appreciation

I have a sickness...

42 km and Strava

It had to happen.....

I don't want to be a hero....

Butt Break

Every once in a while....


My little "Hurka"...pronouced "Hooorrrrka"...needs a little adjustment.

This would be me......

My new best friend

At the finish line....

Training is up and running...

I have settled....

Having a hard time with this

Narrowing it down

Questions for my California bud Erik!

I said "tomorrow"....


The bike of my choice.....


Doing the ride...