
I'm over here....I'm not in hiding...I'm just in the other corner.

So tomorrow is chemo treatment #5...two to go....I'm really hoping that tomorrow is number 5...not sure how they deal with things when things "pop up". 

I got my blood work on Friday and everything's gone crazy!  My WBC, RBC, Neutrophils, and a bunch of other things are wayyyy out  of wack....most are well below "normal" and a couple of way above...which would explain why I've been feeling soooooooo crappy.  No really....crappy. 

I'm exhausted walking around the block...hell I'm exhausted walking up the stairs.  I feel weak and I can't think straight.  Signs are pointing towards anemia...which would be the "best case scenario"...I don't even want to think of the other "scenarios"...things have gone far too well to think that things have gone to hell.

Well anyways....I have to be at the hospital for 7:30 tomorrow for an echocardiogram...I meet with my oncologist at 9 and then chemo is supposed to start at 9:30....I may be getting a transfusion...maybe.

Okay...I'm done...typing has worn me out.


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