He wants me to bake

So did you have a nice Valentine's Day? I did. Mind you I went to a clients and spent an unusually long day there....but that's okay...it'll pay for the flour I'm going to have to buy.

I planned on making a nice dinner for my hubs but ended up coming home way too late...so while it was good..it was rushed. Still...salmon fillets, spicy rice and veggies...with a chocolate ganache cake...that never got eaten. I came home to a bread-maker!...I did!...it wasn't a total surprise as we had been talking about it...but it did make me smile. Oh the loafs I have in mind! We'll start off with a basic white bread this weekend followed very quickly with a caraway rye. This house will smell heavenly.

Tony did have me in a bit of a worry all day yesterday though....he ended up taking two of his high blood pressure meds within 15 minutes of each other yesterday morning. Silly! He said he definitely noticed feeling a little "funny" but thankfully it all turned out okay...

Teddy's graduation photos came in the mail today....I looked at them and now I think I'll put them away until we actually see him walk across the floor in cap and gown. That's mean...he'll make it... but it'll be by the skin of his teeth (is that a saying?).

And now it's time to prepare tonight's dinner.....left overs.


Fen said…
Making homemade bread ranks up there with the most awesome smells ever to come home to. We have a bread maker but haven't used it in a bit. We got it to make our own gluten-free bread but it takes a bit of work and there's just been no time lately.

I was replaced as the pre-school photographer this year which kind of bummed me out. And has now bummed out the other parents because the photog who did come in charges something like four times the prices I'd set. Which is lame.

My Valentine's Day? No, it wasn't good but it got better after midnight. And things are definitely looking up again now which makes everything almost all better!

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