It's always about me...

...isn't it?....or so it sounds anyways....

I think I mentioned the whole "Acid Reflux" thing?? Well I've been taking "Tecta" for months now and for the last couple have doubled up on the chemicals. I still feel as though someone as thrown petroleum down my nasal cavity/esophagus and lit a's incredibly painful. They said "give it time".....well when it hurts to breathe....I don't have much patience. My husband was kind enough to start doing know...cuz I don't have the time. So he was told that I should load up on some "Gaviscon" as well as try some "Manuka Honey" (from New Zealand)...I'm giving them all a try! I have sores in my nose and I'm sure if I were to spit on the road, I'd leave a hole! I'm done....and I'm getting my boob squashed on Tuesday.....oh am I prepared for that!!!....not!

On a different fil is doing sort of okay...well as much as the doctor's are telling us...although he was worried about not having any milk and/or money today....or clothes...but the fact that I was there....was better than having his own kids there...I know...sad...but this is what he said. They've moved him to the 6th floor...not sure why....he seemed to be picking up....but I can only hope to reach 88 1/2....he's done....and he's told me...time and time again...

Life is still incredibly "sandwichy"!


Fen said…
Well sure, it is your blog. Hello? The acid reflux sounds horrible! I wish I could send you some Kyani (yes, I do still take it every day even if I haven't been part of the "program" in many months), it is supposed to be good for acid reflux and everything else under the sun.

Hope your boob squishing goes well. I've got a yearly physical next week that ought to be fun.

And Grady goes in for some put to sleep oral surgery in the morning! Scary stuff but he'll be fine (he had darned well better be!).

Hang in there! Life can't keep going at this breakneck pace forever, can it? Don't answer that!

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