Pity party

So I started using my inhaler today, although I don't think it's working...the "dose counter" doesn't seem to be moving....or maybe I'm just not sucking it in hard enough?!?! Feeling crappy today...almost as though I'm coming down with something...yay me! And that would be all I need at this point...bronchitis or something worse! And all because Krystina decided it would be fun to "cough" all over mom's face a few days ago....she's been hacking since last Wednesday!

Now as far as the new dose of antibiotics go....well I haven't quite started them. The reason....they scare the socks off my feet....I know....stupid....but seriously....I was "told" to read the warnings and precautions and well....I just about went into seizures just reading what could...."in rare" cases....happen. My body went through enough with the last batch....I'll give it a couple of days and see if the inhaler brings any improvement and if I'm not improved...or worse....I'll suck it in and take one.....at $82 (per 10 pills)....you'd think they must be good....or poison.

Oh...the hubs ran out of gas with the Mustang last night....lmao.....I had to drive him to the gas station to get a can of gas.....I wondered why everytime I sat in the car (which isn't often)...the gas guage always read 1/2 full/empty....he was freaking a little leaving it on the side of the road....alone.

And on that note....I'm dealing with some major heartburn today...probably a result of the Biaxin that has eaten at my stomach lining.....time for some milk.


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