Major pet peeve....immediate blood pressure raiser!

So I hear from my dad and a buddy....there was a bit of an "incident" yesterday.

Monday have, as of late...been long ones for I really count on my dad to pick up all the kids....2:40 there's Krystina...2:50 there's Al and his buddy....3:20 there's's a fair bit for a man who suffered a major stroke and because he doesn't move around that very stiff, not to mention partially paralyzed...perhaps that's one and the same....whatever. Anyways....there are designated "handicapped" parking spots at Krystina's school, as well as areas around the school that are designated "no parking/stopping" areas.....and yet....people are so incredibly stuuuuupid that they continue to abuse these laws. Well, I've fucking had it!

The latest situation occurred this past Monday (I didn't get home until add to my long day and you're asking for a bitchy attitude) dad went to pick up Krystina...parked in the handicapped stall (which he has a sign for) when all of a sudden....some women pulls up next to him....(in a "not parking stall"....just a bit of "space") and sits. My dad tries to open his door....which he could barely do without banging into her car door....and tries to get out....nearly falling....being very vocal...he vents his her complete and total disregard....a friend of mine sees what's going on and offers to help...

I'm sooooo sick and fucking tired of people parking in handicapped (or the "space" next to them) and/or designated "no parking/stopping" areas without valid authorization.....really....are we so stupid that we can't abide by the rules...especially for the handicapped? This started long before my dad had his's just common least to me....but now that it's become "personal"'s ten-fold.

And so I wrote an e-mail to the principle....a nasty one....I assured her that I wasn't "pissed" at her...but that "something had to be done"!!!


Poppy's Mom said…
oh no..not my Rudy! Who is the crazy lady that should have known better? Let's put peanut butter and feathers all over that car!
Yes!!...let's!!! Apparently some Russian...don't worry...I've sent an e-mail to Madame Poo!
Fen said…
I don't know which would be more annoying, if she was oblivious and parked there or if she knew exactly what she was doing and just ignored your dad. Either way, she should get smacked in the face with a rotting fish!

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