Time for a change
Just as I have begged and pleaded for my good friend "D" to start enjoying a glass or two, or three...of wine here and there....I have decided that it might be a good idea for me to stop. I know!!!! What the hell is going on here in this household?!?!? Well....just trust me that I think this might be a good time. Sadly, I come from a long history of alcoholism...that's NOT to say that I'm an alcoholic, but....I don't want to get there. To boot I haven't been feeling that great as of late and well..."Thursday night "wine night"" has turned into a little more than just that...for a while now....and I think it's a good time to "nip it in the butt"...especially since I have a 16 year old wandering the streets (very occasionally) at late hours of the night! But for all that is good and healthy...it's a smart thing to do. There goes my 2010 resolution...you all (all 2) know now.
And with that.....that was a might tasty bottle of J.Lohr 2007 Cabernet that Tony and I shared tonight!....it's not quite 2010!!!! I managed a very welcomed $100 gift card for The Keg yesterday from one of my more "favorite" clients....we decided to cash it in....tonight...I was craving "red meat"....get your mind out of the gutter....I was simply tired of turkey and ham...needed some iron. Too bad that the "medium" steak I ordered was still bleeding on my plate...I ate as much as I could....my anemia has gone away for a while. Still....it was worth the 1 1/2 hour wait....any time out alone with the hubs is worth it....especially when lobster is involved. Of course Tony stuck to his "safe zone" and had salmon.
Well I'm hoping for a better night....needless to say that my sleep pattern has seen better days....damn, I can't remember "better days" of sleep...actually. Last night I awoke to the little one asleep (and snoring) in our bed...at 2:40...we had only gone to bed at 11:30. I went downstairs only to find the hubs (and the eldest) still on the computer....of course I made a comment or two...to which the hubs quickly "shut down" and came upstairs...removed "the girl" and proceeded to "snore" in our bed...until 8:30 this morning...which is when I decided "enough is enough"...and promptly got up (bleary eyed and half zombified). He swore there would be none of that tonight...we shall see....I am ready to bring out the club...not literally, of course but....I can't take much more.
So with that....can you believe tomorrow night we'll be ringing in the new year?! What are your new years' resolutions...if you have any? I have a couple and I'll be damned if I don't keep them this year...I'm too old to keep going on at this level.
Let me see...
Get tony some breathe right... or better yet... send him for surgery... get those things fixed so he doesn't snore!
Don't be hard on yourself about the indulgance... I believe you know what is too much, considering we have come from very similar backgrounds.
I will try hard to enjoy a bit more. Clearly abstaining isn't the answer either.
I will not try to learn how to cook, or even make caramel popcorn, I will leave that to the experts!
I wish to continue to melt... I would like that very much... not sure how I am going to manage.. I think what I have gotten so far was pure luck!... don't confuse that with pot luck.. which I really like to!
Other than continuing to be crazy, and enjoying what life has to offer.. I am not sure what else I wold like.. other than a more respectable job that pays a bit more money... I wish to pay off this house... like YESTERDAY!... there .. now that's a resolution!
I would like more music on the ipod. Graham is complaining that I only have 5 songs.. he's wrong.. I have 6. Just kidding... I might have 12 or something... it's going to take a while for me to fill the 4 GB! (compared to his 32 GB ipod).
Anyways... I hope to write more.. you know.. just funny junk... that's all I wish for.. and more bear sightings... and I think I would like to see the lynx that is roaming about, and the cougar... not sure how up close to the last two.. but you know.. I would like to see them in my viewfinder.
I think I will like to see my kids continue to laugh at me.. as they seem to be doing a lot of that lately... or maybe I have just noticed it.. not sure.
Perhaps one day Rod and I might even go out for dinner together... not sure about that... although the keg thing doesn't seem to appetizing ... although rod would beg to differ... i am in with tony... i like the safety of salmon, and of course if I could have lobster too I would.
I am hoping that perhaps I will find someone to colour my hair on a regular basis.. rather than me... like I am this second..but then that would take extra cash... which i have none since I give it all to the boy. hmmmm.
Maybe I should stop worrying about money... money will find it's way to me.... i might even have more luck if i worked more... ICK.. i don't want to make that a resolution..... we have lots of money.. it's just going 37 different directions.
ooooooooohhhhh... micheal buble.... save the last dance for me....
Well.. should probably go wash out my hair.... it's gonna be BLACK!
So ya.. who's blog is this anyways.... I haven't even had coffee. What's wrong with me.. am I intoxicated???
Well.... save the last COMMENT for me!
See you next year L!!! (at our front row gold medal hockey game at the olympics)