There's a goat at the top of my blog?!
Yes....I'm very aware that I have a goat posted up at the top of "my space" here in Blogsville! It does seem a little odd..doesn't it? I mean how many "sane" people have a goat as their header photo? Well when that goat made me laugh as much as it did today....AND....kept me smiling and chuckling because it was so random and "strange"...and yet not so surprisingly so...because of who gave it to me, and how it was presented....well, then you want to see that goat over and over again....because it will continue to make you smile and chuckle and remind you of those that are really important in life....even if you don't see them as often as you'd wish.
Now I will visit your space TWICE maybe THREE times a day... just to see that goat!