A new sort of "being"
All she's ever known is the comfort she got from her "kitty" and her thumb. She associates the two. The two go hand in hand.
The first two nights were the toughest...I crawled into bed with her and held her....until 3:00 a.m. and then 2:30 a.m., before crawling back into the warmth and comfort of my own bed. The third night she cried....and cried....but stayed up so late that she was able to fall asleep quickly....and on her own. Last night didn't seem to be too difficult....maybe it was us sitting up together (late again) and relaxing in front of a movie. Tonight...was a little tougher....she cried again. I surrounded her with her stuffies and I'm hoping that by now she's crashed...I'm too scared to go and check on her.
Another thing that's changed....her "kitty" (who she's had since she was 6 months old) is being left on her bed...all day now. That thing went everywhere with her. She told me from the start that she puts the smell of her "kitty" and her thumb sucking, "hand in hand".
It's time she got over this "habit" but....it's still so hard to see how hard it is for her. You should see her dad.
The first two nights were the toughest...I crawled into bed with her and held her....until 3:00 a.m. and then 2:30 a.m., before crawling back into the warmth and comfort of my own bed. The third night she cried....and cried....but stayed up so late that she was able to fall asleep quickly....and on her own. Last night didn't seem to be too difficult....maybe it was us sitting up together (late again) and relaxing in front of a movie. Tonight...was a little tougher....she cried again. I surrounded her with her stuffies and I'm hoping that by now she's crashed...I'm too scared to go and check on her.
Another thing that's changed....her "kitty" (who she's had since she was 6 months old) is being left on her bed...all day now. That thing went everywhere with her. She told me from the start that she puts the smell of her "kitty" and her thumb sucking, "hand in hand".
It's time she got over this "habit" but....it's still so hard to see how hard it is for her. You should see her dad.
Some people have given Grady a tough time because he has his taggy and sucks his thumb. I'm not worried about it yet since he's only 5. I'm hoping he'll just grow out of it smoothly. But he might not.
Hope she starts to sleep on her own and at a more reasonable bedtime soon! I know the late nights and long days of number crunching are probably pretty taxing (like my pun? hehe).
"Taxing".....he he he.....clever! ;o)