
So a while back I was reading a post by Intelligent Poison (see the link over on the side) and he was all excited about this new product he came across that promotes better health. Of course I'm always wanting to achieve better health....what with sore knees, high stress levels, high blood pressure, major demands....I don't always eat or sleep great. And yes....I'd like to live longer than 52 years. So I kept reading and I asked and I checked out the Kyani web-site, read the testimonials etc. and decided to give it a try.

I've been taking the Kyani now for around 2 1/2 weeks and here's what I've noticed so far (and no....I'm not being paid or receiving any perks to say anything about the product....just letting you know); my energy level is "slightly" better (but hey, I have to give it a bit longer considering all the crap I do/go through); I'm sleeping better (except for my nightly peep to the washroom....but I've done that for 8 years); my knees are feeling stronger (of course now I have to back off the exercise again for a couple of weeks....*grrrrr*); and the last significant thing I've noticed is that my thoughts are clearer. Seriously....not a day would go by where I'd forget what I went down the stairs for (as soon as I got to the bottom), or even forgot important time-line duties for my clients. I'm feeling and thinking sharper and where I was forgetting things for the kids....I've got it all clear again.

If you take the interest to look at the site/product (and you should), don't be set back by the fact that it appears to be network marketing....take a look at the product and what people (myself included) are saying about it. I'm a huge skeptic when it comes to all kinds of "claim to fame" products but I'm giving this one a huge shot, because I can definitely see/feel a difference.

Anyways....I'll report back in a couple of months and let you all know how I'm doing at that point.


Fen said…
It was like a light switch being turned on for me. There was before and there was after and my energy levels shot through the roof. You will definitely feel it when it kicks in for reals!

But I'm really glad that you are liking the products. I can't imagine not starting my day with my Sunrise and Nitro anymore!

Hopefully they'll also help you recover from your recent snip and stitch!
Dragan Šibanc said…
hmmm, interesting, i'm not to happy with all this product, anyway i'll see in next month period.

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