Okay...let's start somewhere.

So my sister came to pick me up at 3 a.m....she was bang on time. I was trying to find the toothpicks to keep my lids open around 12 a.m....somehow I survived. I tried getting Teddy to bed around 2 a.m. (they had a pro-d day...or...another day for the teachers to sit around and drink coffee and eat donuts!). At around 2:30 he came back up and gave me a really big hug...and then said something around, "I'm gonna miss you mom" (*ahem*). When Di came, he was still awake and helped me out with my bag (trying to get me out asap, is how I saw it), gave me another kiss and with that...we were gone. My sister is a crazy driver....hydroplaning through puddles, waiting at green lights, going through red ones...and she had a nap!
We got to the airport in plenty of time and being that I was so tired, was a really good thing....I really didn't care/worry about much. I was however, totally thrilled with finding out that the flight from Vancouver to Seattle was only 27 minutes (in the air) as opposed to 57! Everything went smooth. I popped a "Gravol" in Seattle as I suspected they weren't about to serve booze to anyone at 9 o'clock in the morning.
The switch over to Seattle went smooth and thankfully our suitcases came over without a hitch as well. The next 5 1/2 hours were a bit of a blur...between snoozing, word searches, more snoozing, yammering....we were there in no time...yay! I could not have been more happy arriving on ground...no matter how intense the landing was.
Now picture two women with huge suit-cases boarding the sub-way and trying to make their way through the rush hour. Did you know there were no escalators/elevators in the sub-way stations?! We had no freaking idea!!! And what's more....it's amazing the looks you get trying to get on/off the sub-way with bags as big as ours (yes...we over-packed...yes...we brought too much....yes....I'm a woman of *you just never know*). It's quite the scene to see someone carry a 50 lb Reebok bag up 50 stairs....*bump, bump, bump*. That was my first work out!
Thankfully we were only 2 blocks away from our hotel and totally excited to get this "time away" on the road!