Another reprieve

So the snow has stopped again....and finally!!! It fell for a solid 24 hours and now as I look out the windows it's already managed to fall of the tree branches and melt away down the non-existent drains. Now as the weather warms up and the rains return (apparently) the big worry is flooding. The snow-plows have done a great job moving all the white stuff, but unfortunately...there are now piles of snow along the side of the roads that are in some areas....three feet high! If I heard correctly the amount of snow that this city has experienced is a new record.
In other notes....I've already gotten an e-mail from my client in Australia....I guess the gears are really revving up now. Thankfully the house is back in order and the contents of my stomach are staying down so that I can get myself back in action. My biggest dilemma today is....(actually there are two)....what to cook for dinner, since we ate any leftovers and I threw out the meatballs that only Teddy, Grandpa and I age (and Teddy complained about his stomach)....and how do I get the kids off the computer/PS3 and in bed before 2 a.m. tonight? Ideas?
Oh and on the side....we watched a few movies with the kids over the holidays: "Hell Boy II"...everyone seemed to like it, I thought it was "eh": "The Devil Wears Prada"....totally a girl flick but I really liked it: and the new "Chronicles"....I couldn't stay up but what I did see of it seemed pretty good...everyone else (including Tony) thought it was really good.
And I rather enjoyed Prada (was on TV the other night).
Chronicles of Narnia 2 was pretty good...thought as good as the first one. Sounds like they might not make it out for a 3rd however.