In the middle of a nasty divorce.

While I wait for my father-in-laws' eggs to boil, I'll write a little post about my day yesterday.

Remember the partnership that just formed between my old client and my new client? The old client "G" is a great guy, has always been courteous and non-demanding and most importantly....kept his bodily fumes to himself (whether they came in the form of a belch, ripper or his horrid feet). The new partner "J" is definitely opposite to "G" and I expressed a couple of times that I found it difficult to work with "J". I hung around for "G". And remember I said that "shit was going to hit the fan"? Well, it finally did....yesterday.....while I was in the office.

So "G" comes in and sits down to discuss things with "J". "G" made reference to a $6k cheque that was deposited, not in the "new company" account but "J's" old's now the end of November. "J" basically ran around the bush on excuses as to why this had happened and by "G" bringing it up again "J" freaked out.....unjustifiably.

There are many other "red flags" that have made "G" very nervous and skeptical as to "J's" honesty and integrity....some that even I pointed out, so that he's aware of what was going on. As an example....."G" was going on holidays for 3 weeks and while away (actually he hadn't even left the country as of yet), one of his employees shmucked up one of the company vans. The employee got all nervous and all about having to tell "G" that this had happened.....a second time. So "J" who (it appears) wants to get all chummy with "G's" employees (and who wouldn't, if you're working with them every day) said to him...."oh it's okay, we'll keep this to ourselves and get it repaired while "G" is away". Well "G" figured out what happened and actually went to the body shop/ICBC to see photos and the write up on the claim. I say....there are a number of things that have happened/been said/not said etc. that would warrant anyone to be suspicious of a person that you've just placed your 2 million dollar company in charge of. But yesterday......woah.....the swearing, the "back up against the wall", the was bad. "G" just sat there calmly and kept his cool but "J" was just....well it was bad. I sat there with my head down, cheeks burning, fingers flying wondering if I should just leave. I don't think I've ever heard anyone speak like that...well I have but we'll leave that alone.

So I didn't have to go into the office today....thankfully! "G" called me last night to apologize for what the language and volume of noise that I had to put up with. He said that he was going in today to let "J" know he was being removed from all signing authority. I think Hell will be upon that office again today. I'm to go in tomorrow and "G" said that he'll be there when I do. It'll be interesting to see what happens but I think it's pretty safe to say that this "partnership" has just been flushed down the commode!


Fen said…
I'm glad the old partner is siding with you, it sounds like he made a bad decision in bringing in the new guy.

By the way, the new blog set up is trying to get me to sign into Twitter again and again.

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